10 druid 11 druid 12 druid - maxed spell. Help on Building a Spirit Shaman. In this first Neverwinter Nights 2 build video, I am doing th. For feats, Power Attack, Divine Might, Cleave, Knockdown, and Improved Knockdown would all be useful for a Paladin. Spell Resistance: Yes. nwn2strategies, nwn2 build, build. Fan Central BETA Games Anime Movies TV Video Wikis Explore Wikis. -Vallo # Spell 0 Acid_Fog 1 Aid 2 Animate_Dead 3 Barkskin 4 Bestow_Curse 5 Blade_Barrier 6 Bless 7 DEL_Bless_Weapon 8 Blindness_and_Deafness 9 Bulls_Strength 10 Burning_Hands 11 Call_Lightning 12. The font of dark magic burning in their souls makes them resistant to. A druid casts divine spells, which are drawn from the druid spell list. The spell counts as a level 2 spell for the number of spells she can cast today, but the saving throw is the same since it's still innately a level 1 spell. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a paladin’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the paladin’s Wisdom modifier. Sorcerers in particular may find the following information helpful when deciding which spells to add to their repertoire. You can use a spear, take intuitive attack (wisdom instead of Strength for AB bonus), and take the Storm Lord PrC and a couple monk levels for wisdom AC and evasion. N8tronic Mar 31, 2020 @ 1:23am. Melee druids use most of their spell slots to buff up and crowd control, caster druids throw butt loads of damage and crowd control around. Save: None. 6. A spell is a one-time magical effect. 5 rules on this ability. (NWN), its sequel Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2), or Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (NWN:EE. One aspect of this mod is to ensure all weapons, armor, and items are equally represented and have steady. However pure Sorcerers, Wizards, or Bards can't take this feat. Only boss level creatures are going to save against that. Druid spells; Paladin spells; Ranger spells; Level 2 sorcerer/wizard spells; Warlock invocations; Other spellcaster. As a forth class you can use Hospitaler. Since the list of spells a bard can select from is already extremely limited, I'm perfectly fine with my bards acting as wizards; where they can change out their spells on a daily basis. 00, 43KB, 2007. The strength of this conjuration is such that the demons are bound to your will, and you need not have cast Protection from Evil, or any similar spell, to prevent them from attacking you. An unsummoned companion can be recalled after a short cooldown time. I can't rest anywhere, because enemies are near. -NwN2 druid spell selection leaves a lot to be desired, possibly because NwN2 druids already get a ton of extra goodies feat-wise. Buff yourself with as many extended/persisted spells and go to town. Welcome to NWN2Wiki, a Neverwinter Nights 2 database that anyone can edit. Attractive and youthful, her high cheek bones, pointed ears and radiant skin give her an almost celestial appearance. an animal or two for a fight, a Druid can befriend many useful animals. This makes Shifter into just another Fighter class, and you just buff up with long lasting spells before shifting after rest. I am your host Lord Fenton. Gray dwarves are even less charismatic than shield dwarves, but make up for it with natural talents and spell-like abilities. Also acts like a Sorcerer (chooses spells, spontaneous casting) but with Druid spell list, using Wisdom for spell level and Charisma for DC. 1 druid - prodigal caster, spell penetration. Your Wisom should be your highest stat and Con should be decent (14 should do). Game requires the player character to make alot of skill checks. Neverwinter Nights 2 Spells Database: Search Results Entropic Husk [Spell Details] Class/Level: Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep, Arcane Trickster, Druid, Eldritch Knight, Pale Master, Red Wizard, Sorcerer, Spirit Shaman, Stormlord, Warlock, Wizard: Installation: Mask of the Betrayer:This spell strips an enemy mage of up to two magical defenses, including Spell Mantles, Globes of Invulnerability, Stoneskin, Premonition, Protection from Elements, Ghostly and Ethereal Visage, Mage Armor, Shadow Shield, and Elemental Shield. I had fun with a halberd-wielding bard in. Her world is filled with powerful, living spirits, some helpful and some malign. Their sneak attacks are really powerful but. Neverwinter Nights 2 Persistent World BGTSCC Discussion Forum. Special Properties Cast Spell: Creeping Doom (13) Single Use Use Limitation: Class Druid. I want to play through all 3 campaigns with a one of these classes (race:moon elf) I like the druid for shapeshifting, summoning, large selection of spells and all around. Of course, he's playing an uber-build Favored Soul. 10, it is only up to +3, but can be made Persistent for a 24 hour duration. This package provides various spell, bard songs, and invocation fixes for NWN2, MotB and SoZ. Very few no-save or no-SR spells, too many reflex save damage spells, too many druid-only spells-potentially broken on hardcore difficulty and higher because of friendly fire from spirit shaman skills Save: Reflex 1/2. Druid or Cleric that can cast those spells as needed without being "committed" to them. Selecting Your Race III. -. Creatures immune to this spell: Constructs Undead Elementals Arcane casters with Iron Body spell Mass Drown. I'm thinking of doing Bard 6/Rogue 2/Druid 2/Canaith Lyrist 10 with a focus on druidic spellcasting. Buffs are overall stronger with spells like Haste, and has some powerful offensive spells, though it cannot provide healing, which may be bad considering NWN2's only healer option unless you can somehow get a full custom party is the Druid Elanee, whose healing spells are more expensive to cost than a cleric. All Exotic Heavy Armor Light Armor Martial Medium Armor Simple Shields. Your Wisom should be your highest stat and Con should be decent (14 should do). Sorcerers can cast as many Identifies (or any other level 1 spell) as they have spells available, as and when they need them. Empowerment does not increase spell duration. The Druid can be built to be a melee fighting, spell-casting juggernaught just like a better (Divine) version of the Gish. Druid and Wizard are fairly similar, but Cleric is a different thing altogether. yeah i though druids got it at lvl 2 lol but at lvl 7 i just got a wizard shapshifting spell that is good so my idea sucked lol. For the Cleric I'd recommend taking the Healing domain to empower all your Cure spells and ensuring the PC is non-evil so that you spontaneously cast Cure instead of Inflict. A animal domain wizard or druid has less base spells / day (druids 5/lvl/day lvl 1-5 and 4/lvl/day lvl 6-9, wizards 4-5/lvl/day, depending if one specializes), druids get the added bonus of having an animal companion in addition to your summon + elemental swarm spell. Creatures with more than 6 HD are immune to the fear effect. Neverwinter Nights 2 and related logos are. I hear a lot of claims on these boards, but one that runs most immediately counter to my experience is the idea that Druids are "intuitive" or "always powerful". In Neverwinter Nights specifically, clerics are way better, no question. Note: Although this feat works perfectly for all classes in the single-player campaigns, it can fail. All items (78). The subject is not subject to sneak attacks and critical hits for the duration of this spell, as though it were undead. leshpar • 6 yr. Anyhoo, this spell, new for MotB, is actually a great spell even in a Ranger's hands. They both cast divine magic, and have many of the same spells. Let me first describe my character. com] or good all-rounders [nwn2db. If you play as a spellcaster, though, keep in mind that getting a prestige class that allows you to continue earning spells is usually a pretty nice thing. Spontaneous Casting: A druid can channel stored spell energy into summoning spells that she hasn't prepared ahead of. Overview; Complete Spell Descriptions; Cleric Spells; Druid Spells; Sorc/Wiz Spells; Bard Spells; Paladin Spells; Ranger Spells; Warlock. This is the cap if the player only has the base NWN2 game. All Somatic Verbal. Despite the druid level 6 Drown spell being categorized as a transmutation spell, the MOTB Mass Drown is schooled under Conjuration. My easiest run was with a druid. The first is as an erf file that can be imported into a module. ether_rogue • 3 yr. Given that most of your Druid spells are buffs, this. Only thing they have common is the D&D 3 ruleset (which is even different since NWN2 uses 3. You do have to cast freedom on your animal companion and summon, but casting one then go fight your enemies in it and your enemies have to constantly saves vs reflex and will. 7 Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear. I'm Kaedrin and I've been working on putting together new content for the community. The problem seems to stem from NWN2 turning off the quick-bar slots entirely. Healing spells have a reverse effect on undead, harming instead of healing them. Druid spells; Paladin spells; Ranger spells; Level 6 sorcerer/wizard spells; Warlock invocations; Verbal and Somatic spells; Personal spells; Short duration. Acquisition [] To learn this spell, a character must take the feat Epic Spell: Hellball. Cleric is a base class in NWN2. By bargaining with these spirits, the spirit shaman gains power over the natural world and mighty divine magic with which to aid her comrades or smite her enemies. As it gives you Ikd for free. Well i hope this list helps, because after scouring the internet for hours looking for one I decided to make one myself. For Neverwinter Nights 2 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Druids are awesome at higher levels. If there are any creatures with similar stats in any nwn2 module, you can try kill this creature with sorc, or you can use the Automatic still spell feat to be able to cast lv 9 spells inside armor, you can use a "test" module in nwn1 to face him at lv 40 with full armor or multiclass, i don't care, you will never be able to defeat him with. This is why I compiled a list of arcane spells in Neverwinter Nights 2 and assessed each one's value. Type of feat Class Prerequisite Druid Required for Extra Wild Shape, Natural Spell, Elephant's Hide, Oaken Resilience,Magical Beast Wild Shape, Dragon Shape Specifics The character with this ability can take the shape of an animal at will. 2) Sorcerers have only a limited spellbook, Wizards can learn every spell (up to their opposition school). 👉 Nwn2 druid bonus spell slot Nwn2 druid bonus spell slot All opinions and views are of the advertiser and does not reflect the same of WTKR. It is entirely reasonable to start a Druid build with a wisdom score of 18. A version of the druid's feat list is included that grants natural spell automatically, in order to prevent you from taking it by accident. If an animal companion is killed, it cannot be. In both NWN and NWN2 the Druid has a very powerful spell selection, although these spells are something you need to grow a strategy around for rather than. This is not a powergaming build, this is a pvm build for OC+the 2 expansions , so handle it like that. I did neglect the Favored enemies and Bane of enemies. Sorcerers know fewer spells than wizards do and acquire them more slowly, but they can cast individual spells. 3. That same AC boost works when druids shift into animal form making them harder to kill. Cleric 100%. Absolute best spell for a druid at high level. Also is spell selection. Cleric 's are great party members because of their buffs and healing spells. 210 Deutsch. Pages: 1. 2. Make sure that you have that character targeted (by left clicking on them). Best PvE class. At home in the wilderness, Elanee walks though brambles and mud as if strolling across cobblestone. The in-game spell description states +4 armor bonus to AC, but the spell actually gives a +4 shield enhancement to AC. The strict oaths taken by every. Where a cleric can hold a few monsters/humanoids for a couple of rounds, Druids can create an area of entanglement (holding and spell interrupting) for a bit longer. The_Dude_07 15 years ago #2. Is there much difference in a Dragon Companion than the regular companion? I am going to get Dragonshape (RP reasons in a PW) I have one level of monk so i have the huge wisdoms AC bonus going for me. radius 10 ft. Ray of Frost: Ray deals 1d4+1 cold damage. Epic spells in NWN2 are implemented as feats. A successful touch attack must first be made when this spell is used against undead. They need to have a Wisdom score of 10 +. People keep claiming wizards are powerfull but i dont see it. I just cant stay natural. Note: These are feats provided through downloading Kaedrin's PrC Pack v1. Very few no-save or no-SR spells, too many reflex save damage spells, too many druid-only spells-potentially broken on hardcore difficulty and higher because of friendly fire from spirit shaman skillsSpell Resistance: No. - Curse of Impending Blades: Finally, a spell Druids can't cast! But Wizards can. e. Heal can also be a helpful skill. They have no books, no mentors, no theories - just raw power that they direct at will. I looked at a lot of builds (tapatalk and world of greyhawk as well as google), but 90% of druid builds is for dragon shape, which will arrive around lvl 30, and the build before is preparing for this moment - meanwhile. Type. 10 ===== TABLE OF CONTENTS: I. D = Druid/Spirit Shaman, P = Paladin, R = Ranger, SW = Sorcerer/Wizard, Wlk = Warlock. This spell list is used by druids and spirit shamans. It always gives the caster a +5 bonus due to several extremely weird errors in the script, so at lvl 5 the druid will deal 1d8+5 pts CON damage to such creatures instead of 1d8+1. If cast on an ally, no saving throws or spell resistance checks are necessary. 13 druid - Gain Dire Wild Shape! (use bear) 14 druid 15 druid - greater spell penetration. "c:My DocumentsNeverwinter Nights 2campaigns") [OPTIONAL: Download and install TonyK's Companion and Monster AI 2. Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of The Betrayer. The use of offensive spells is allowable, and the combination of movement decreasing spells along with area effect spells can be quite leathal. ago. Virtue: Subject gains 1 temporary hp. Fail roll, to the grownd and coup de grace. Their spells are oriented toward nature and animals. Content: Spellsfixed – contains spells that were just fixed (no balancing done to the scripts or not brought into line with PnP). You create water in the lungs of a target creature. Swarms have a base attack bonus of +6 (with an additional to hit bonus based on the caster's Wisdom modifier x 2) and do 2d6 points of damage when they hit. Spells listed in this category can be used with the Persistent spell meta-magic feat. Druid Tactics, Roleplaying, and Archtypes VI. I think the only in game way is to take levels in another class that has a companion and change it then. Qara will be about as strong as a player made Sorc. Elanee (Neutral Good, Wood Elf, Druid) is a companion in Neverwinter Nights 2 official campaign. It's the d&d version of a bullet sponge enemy. Born of a supernatural bloodline, a Warlock seeks to master the perilous magic that suffuses his soul. Her world is filled with powerful, living spirits, some helpful and some malign. Spell level: druid 8; sorcerer/wizard 8 Innate level: 8 School: evocation Components: verbal, somatic Range: medium (20 meters) Area of effect: huge colossal (10 meter radius) Duration: instant Save: reflex Spell resistance: yes Description: A brilliant explosion occurs where the caster directs causing 1d6 points of magical damage per caster level (to a. Deafness also harms Bards since it stops them from singing or even using inspirations. Even an inexperienced Cleric can bring people back from the brink of death, and an experienced Cleric can bring back people who have crossed over that brink. Technically, Blackguards and Assassins do not cast proper spells in NWN2, but have a few feats each which activate. The druid's is slightly more targeted to the enemy than it is to the ally as with the cleric. He doesn't get "druid spells", just a subset of that, which misses out on Barkskin, Stoneskin, Dispel magic, Infestation of maggots, Flame strike, etc. 5E needed a full round action (at least 6 seconds casting time) to cast a spell with metamagic with the exception of those modified by the quicken spell feat, which took a swift action to cast as normal for that spell. Ray of frost - Does the most damage. At higher levels, you get a contingency Heal and permanent DR. They get crazy good caster spells, awesome defensive spells, and can still wear a little armor. This was probably intentional to bolster the viability of a conjuration-focused druid. Nevertheless, a druid's environment and Order may restrict the weapons and armor they may carry. However, you lose a few levels of spell progression compared to a pure druid, but I still got to Level 9 spellcasting by level 19 or 20. Light: Object shines like a torch. Druid kits and Mystics (think druids of the four elements) and a number of clerics have had their pew-pew spell powers significantly increased and changed. Throw in plenty of points here. 15. NWNWiki:Sanctuary Sanctuary on the Forgotten Realms Wiki, a wiki for the Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting Forgotten Realms. Beyond the woods, arcane archers gain renown throughout entire kingdoms for their supernatural accuracy with a bow and their ability to imbue their arrows with magic. Explore. Of course, just casting this (or letting the Druid cast it on you) and wearing something else on your neck is a more efficient use of resources in that case. That said the class' defining feature is Sneak Attack and about 1/2 the bestiary is immune to it. Swarms have a base attack bonus of +6 (with an. Your caster level for the chosen spellcasting class increases by +4. This ability targets the summoner (unlike. To learn this spell, a character must take the. com]. com]. com], but they can also do well as pure casters [nwn2db. I would only play a druid for roleplaying reasons if you want to, otherwise cleric all the way. The decision you'll be making is if you're the kind of druid that holds the mid/back line and casts spells or if you want to Wade into melee and destroy things. The Druid and Shifter class in NWN are greatly handicapped - NWN doesn't give us the "Natural Spell" feat, which allows spellcasting in animal/shifter forms. This spell creates a zone of silence around the target creature, preventing all within the area of effect from casting spells with verbal components. 1. [source] This spell cannot be scribed to a scroll by a Cleric. Some feats such as Spell Focus can also increase the DC. However, if you want to exclude your. Introduction II. This is a great game. Wizard: Same feats as Cleric. Other. Bonus feats: The epic shifter gains a bonus feat every three levels. I am to much of a nice guy. Druid and Wizard are fairly similar, but Cleric is a different thing altogether. Type of feat: metamagic (general feat) Prerequisite: ability to cast 2nd-level spells Specifics: All variable, numeric effects of an empowered spell are increased by 50%. Use: An empowered spell. They strive to live in harmony with the natural world, and hate anything that is not part of the natural cycle, especially aberrations and undead creatures. Description: (Prestige class) Master of the elven warbands, the arcane archer is a warrior skilled in using magic to supplement their combat prowess. Clerics, druids, paladins, rangers, favored souls, and spirit shamans cast divine spells -- all based on wisdom (except. The high CHA makes this build an effective offensive caster using the solid druid offensive spells. High levels of wisdom increase the number of spells / day, and the spell difficulty class (DC) for saving throws. Would she need Craft Weapon / Craft Armor skill to make use of those. Spells. As a forth class you can use Hospitaler. Most of the spells that make them part of CoDzilla in 3. I thought the druid,shifter, monk builds were really good whats better then? 2 more replies. " God was a dream of good government. They strive to live in harmony with the natural world, and hate anything that is not part of the natural cycle, especially aberrations and undead creatures. Druids derive their power from nature rather than gods, although some may worship deities with an affinity for nature. 2) a healer; I played without one on my first SoZ playthrough, and it's nasty. The target animal companion gains +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, +1d10 Wisdom, and +2 to attack rolls for as long as it remains at your side. Druid handbooks routinely use phrases like "Wild Shape-using druids are. 5, and you've got a worthy character class. The Druid can be built to be a melee fighting, spell-casting juggernaught just like a better (Divine) version of the Gish (Spellcasting Melee hybrid type). When I drag them from my Spellbook to my Quick bar (the one at the bottom of the screen) it's like it sees them as scrolls, as they have two numbers in the square and the one at the bottom-right. Once you've picked up the other feats you want, weapon focus and improved critical are decent. Druids also receive their first use of wildshape at level 3, and one additional use every odd. You can affect 4 + 1d4 HD of creatures, affecting the lower hit die creatures first. I thought, that this is a typical AD&D spell and should be in NWN 1, too. Feat ID: 2854 Background ID: 21 Prequesites: To take this background feat you must take Druid at level 1. by randomsome1 Updated to v3. To learn such a feat during level up, a character must: be able to cast level 9 spells (the class which grants them the spells does not matter) or, for Warlocks only, be able to cast dark invocations1. For example, an empowered magic missile deals one and one-half times normal damage (1d4 + 1 multiplied by 1. - Spontaneous Casting: A druid can channel stored spell energy into summoning spells that she hasn't prepared ahead of time. A Random Guide to the Stormlord of Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer ----- Greetings and salutations. Sorcerer. ago. Adding WP levels to Clerics and Druids turns them into tanks; though Clerics and Druids can tank fairly well on their own, and even better once fully buffed, WPs do it even better. Cantrips; First Level; Second Level; Third Level; Fourth Level; Fifth Level; Sixth Level. Melf's Acid Arrow creates a projectile of acid that the caster fires at a target. 1. - On striking a creature, dispel magic is cast on the target. Caster Level(s): Bard 0, Cleric 0, Druid 0 Innate Level: 0 School: Conjuration Descriptor(s): Component(s): Verbal, Somatic Range: Touch Area of Effect / Target: Single Duration: Instant Save: Will 1/2 Spell Resistance: Yes. Duration. Low level spells, low level equipments. It may be used once per day at the fifth level, twice per day at the sixth level, three times per day at the seventh. Each creature within 5 feet of that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. Right now I'm level 10, 5 into cleric, the last 5 into stormlord. He channels a subtle energy, called ki, which allows him to perform. Master of the spirit world, the spirit shaman follows a different divine tradition from that of the cleric or druid. Use: An extended spell occupies a spell slot one level higher than normal. yes. Please read this file to learn about changes made after this manual went to print. She can "lose" a prepared spell in order to cast any summon nature’s ally spell of the same level or lower. Specifics: Clerics and Druids may used stored spell energy to spontaneously cast a spell of equal level. An unsummoned companion can be recalled after a short cooldown time. ; SpellsfixedPnP – contains spells that were just fixed (no balancing done to the scripts but are already in-line with. Add to this the improvements he got in his skill point totals between 3. UPDATE: Epic druids can cast in any form. • Spells: A spirit shaman casts divine spells, which are drawn from the druid spell list. There is no fight you can't win if you are prepared for it, of course unprepared you better run as fast as you can!In NWN2 you have more friendly fire concerns due to the larger party, but you also have more allies to target with buff spells so they aren't any weaker. Neverwinter Nights 2 and related logos are trademarks or registered. If it is slain, a second one is immediately summoned in its place. A creature takes 3d10 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. These are available at the second level of spells for clerics, druids, and wizards/sorcerers (not all classes can cast all of the spells listed, though), so they’ll come in handy fairly early on. if you want to be a powerful spell caster while using armor. Admittedly, Wizard is the best choice to pair with Rogue since they both love Intelligence. . Tesseract Feb 25, 2021 @ 1:02am. Chutata • 6 yr. In other words, a warrior cleric will have 16 to 19 natural WIS, pumped up to at least 19 and potentially more. (Source: NWN EE, Pretty Good Character Creator module) Immunities are special in NWN. People keep claiming wizards are powerfull but i dont see it. Wizard: Same feats as Cleric. Spells like Blade Barrier, Flame Arrow, Evard's Black Tentacles (doubly so, as has already been mentioned), Ice Storm, Delayed Blast Fireball, and Isaac's Greater Missile Storm all benefit from Empower. They are NOT available in the base game or expansions and do not replace the feats in the original game or expansions but are added as extra. Fail roll, to the grownd and coup de grace. Appropriate spells are automatically quickened when cast - no metamagic feat needs to be applied. You can also summon different creatures (and buff them too) and turn undead. Six levels of Monk gives Improved Knockdown and leaves 17 levels of Druid. More Fandoms. UPDATE: The druid no longer has access to. I don't know if this is a Druid issue, a new patch issue, or just some issue I've never run across before. NeverWinter Nights 2 Numbered Spell list I have seen a numbered feats list and decided to make one for spells to use with the "givespell" command. 2022 (1 year ago)Welcome to our Neverwinter Nights 2 feats database! Simply click any of the links within the navigation bar to the right and you will be brought to the respective area. A ranged spell which can prove quite powerful against low fortitude enemies, since blindness causes problems for any fighter (50% miss chance) or spellcaster (cannot target spells directly at anything but themselves). Empowered damage is not calculated properly. Now everytime I open my speel book I get an instant freeze. To view the ReadMe, click on the Start button on your Windows® taskbar, then on Programs, then on Neverwinter Nights 2, then on the ReadMe. 1=yes, 0=no (You can state 9 allowable races in SubraceID1-SubraceID9) SubraceID1. (Screenshot from NWN:EE, WoG PW) For the purpose of this guide, Spellcasters are characters who primarily use their spells to defeat enemies. Small - Unused; note that 5 feet in NWN2 doesn't. By the time a spell caster acquires the ability to persist this spell it lasts 26 minutes extended, which should. clerics and druids are busted, and in nwn it's even worse with dragon shape. The target creature is healed for 3d8 points of damage, +1 point per caster level (to a maximum of +15). 9 druid - empowered spell. Move the "EPICCAMPAIGN" folder from the "campaigns" to your "campaigns" folder (e. Mass Owl's Wisdom NWNWiki:Owl's Wisdom d20 SRD Owl's Wisdom. Index in the nwn2_icons. Line. (SOZ) Camouflage: Caster receives +10 hide Cure Light Wounds: Heals 1d8+1/level HP to a maximum of 1d8+5 Entangle: Plants entangle everyone in 40-ft. Born of a supernatural bloodline, a Warlock seeks to master the perilous magic that suffuses his soul. I looked at a lot of builds (tapatalk and world of. The most common offensive spells for Druid are Evocation, followed by Necromancy or Conjuration. Continue to scale AA down to nothing, AF down to minimum, et cetera, until you're achieving a consistent 60fps no matter what the scene is. ago. Magical concepts; Resistance; Darkness; Invisibility; Fireball; Bard spells; Cleric spells; in: Spells, Sorcerer/wizard spells, Conjuration spells. Because of their command of one of the most destructive aspects of nature, Stormlords are viewed with awe and fear by lesser folk, regardless of their motivation. Monk is a base class in NWN2. I'd grab a BEAR for animal companion. Very tanky (heavy armor, shield and buff spells), can do some magical and melee damage. leshpar • 6 yr. Valden21 Feb 24, 2021 @ 7:02pm. NWN2 now feels more like a quick cash in on 3. The character with this. Most spellcasters prepare their spells in. The target gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls, a +1 bonus on saving throws versus fear, and a 1d8 +1 per level (maximum +10) bonus to maximum hit points. Clerics are masters of divine magic, which is especially good at healing. The interesting thing to note is that this char has a decent AC without armor, but buffing only raises this slightly (compared with clerics for example). NWNWiki:ShieldNeverwinter Nights 2 Feat List (11-03-06) ===== This is just a simple list of all the feats in the game along with their corresponding number used for the "givefeat" console command. Specifics: The character casts spells as quickened spells without using higher-level spell slots. Here is the relevant text from Wild Shape: You can’t cast spells, and your ability to speak or take any action that requires hands is limited to the capabilities of your beast form. Cleric really only benefits you if you stay in your human shape so you can spell cast. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a druid’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the druid’s Wisdom modifier. I know I know, Wizard is the "most powerful" build if it's made properly, and there are some combinations that "broke" the game in terms of power (monk druid shapeshifter), but because I like to RP my characters into believeable builds, I am going to share my finding. Many of the best offensive spells can be found within this school of magic. * Combat Casting: The Druid casts a lot in the midst of enemies, so Defensive Casting is useful if your Concentration is high enough. Eleven new druid spells from nwn2. But if you want to make a melee-oriented Druid, they are quite viable. Now everytime I open my speel book I get an instant freeze. Prohibited school: conjuration Prohibited to: conjurers Specializing in this school brings the notable (in multiplayer) consequence of being unable to use raise dead and resurrection scrolls. 5 while NWN uses 3. You dont get that option in NWN2. Aswhile as divine magic meaning you can wear all armors no problem. Bard . You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +1 magical damage bonus for every three caster levels you have (minimum +1, maximum of +3). I'm talking about a Cleric/Stormlord character. About 40+dr, yes, he resists some of my spells (except if i use Mordenkainen's disjunction), i never found his in game statistics, so i've used DnD (probably 5E), but yes, he is probably weaker. Action Girl: Via her druid spells, or turning into something with lots of claws and teeth. The decision you'll be making is if you're the kind of druid that holds the mid/back line and casts spells or if you want to Wade into melee. Specifics: This feat allows effective use of all exotic weapons. Edit. The target creature is healed for 1d8 points of damage, +1 point per caster level (to a maximum of +5). You don't lump paladin and bard in the same heap, so please, keep it comparable. 2da files. Spell Resistance: No. 2 on Dec 17, 2007Gameplay Notes. . NWN2 class discussion. - Curse of Impending Blades: Finally, a spell Druids can't cast! But Wizards can. Spells Database . Level 0 (All spells known) Flare - This spell is not limited by the target's HD, as opposed to daze. Boards. The spell description states "The target animal companion" - it should be more clear, the script has it set to only the casters animal companion, not any others (eg; you cannot cast this your. Enchantment. A FS will have WIS at 8 in most cases. 6. Elemental Wild Shape in the fully patched version of NWN, granted the druid the use of the elemental's extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities. This makes Shifter into just another Fighter class, and you just buff up with long lasting spells before shifting after rest.